MIROW Common Vocabulary

A consolidated reference source for terms used in Modeling of Immunization Registry Operations Workgroup (MIROW) guides. 

MIROW common vocabulary has been developed by consolidating terms found in each MIROW guide and then applying a concise definition to each term. The common vocabulary will ultimately be a comprehensive, one-stop shop for all of the terminology in MIROW guides. Additionally, the common vocabulary will grow as new subject areas are addressed by MIROW.


Several related documents have been created to support MIROW common vocabulary:

  • MIROW Common Vocabulary: Simple Report  Quick, basic reference of terms
  • MIROW Common Vocabulary: Advanced Report  Detailed report of terms
  • MIROW Common Vocabulary: CDC-Endorsed Data Element Crosswalk Report  A guide to the relationships between CDC-endorsed data elements and common vocabulary terms
  • Common Vocabulary Support Document  Report legend and MIROW guide acronyms
  • MIROW Common Vocabulary: Domain Diagrams + How to Read a Domain Diagram  A graphical representation of the common vocabulary included in the term reports and a brief overview about how to read a domain diagram
  • Supporting resources  Additional detail about specific common vocabulary terms:
    o Notes Regarding Provider Organization and IIS-Authorized Organization
    o Vaccine-Related Terms